Friday, March 30, 2012

Z\W\A\R\T magazine Nr. 2 will be released next week.
It is a booklet - 18 pages\ 18 works on A4 format,
consisting of photocopied images combined with handmade elements\materials.
6,50 EUR \ 8,60 USD + shipping
Nr. 1 still available \ subscription for 6 issues in 2012 = also possible

Thursday, March 8, 2012

image\name\logo\print  -  related to soundworks in the period 1980-1982.
Instruments: broken records ; field recodings ; several noises and sounds ; firecrackers ; water ; broken glass ; plastic ; metal ; found & manipluated sounds from radio and televison ; voice and body.

Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Les Horribles Travailleurs - by R\A\W F\O\R\M\S

LoFi recorded fragment of soundwork 1987\89

Storage or primitive recorded fragments of old soundworks - to be reworked and to be released  by R\A\W F\O\R\M\S  ( also publisher of Z\W\A\R\T  magazine ).
Some elements of Rimbaud's "lettre du voyant" can be usefull in the exploration of ultimate communication - via sound, in this case.
"...first the sound is heard of the knife, cutting the being from the false language..." ( LHT)