Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Nr. 4 Released

Z\W\A\R\T magazine Nr. 4 - R\A\W M\A\T\E\R\I\A\L


- one of the projected images -

 - view of the exhibition -

Z\W\A\R\T magazine Nr. 4 - R\A\W M\A\T\E\R\I\A\L

released 22 aug 2012 \for sale for 6,50 Euro (8,52 USD)

Nederland: 6,50 + 1,50 Euro shipping = 8,00 Euro
Europe: 6,50 + 2,55 shipping = 9,05 Euro
World: 8,52 USD + 3,74 shipping = 12,26 USD
( 6,50 + 2,85 Euro shipping = 9,35 Euro )
Z\W\A\R\T magazine Nr. 4 consists of four rooms\spaces\parts:

Three parts of the magazine are on paper - 32 images in total( + an extra item: a small booklet with a poem " Letter to the Secret Source " ).
One part of the magazine, M\O\V\E\M\E\N\T, is the exhibition:
an installation with a sequence of projected images combined with a sound work.

The purchasers of Z\W\A\R\T magazine Nr. 4 will receive a password to watch on VIMEO the slideshow that is projected in the R\A\W M\A\T\E\R\I\A\L exhibition
in Cologne in Krause Kunst Raum
- 22\8 - 18\9\2012

- invitation card -
- one of the projected images -


- part of the installation -

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